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Dayton Kennel Club

Membership Meeting

Date: March 18, 2025

Rum Runners Cafe

The next general meeting of the Dayton Kennel Club will be Tuesday, March 18 at 7 PM at Rum Runners Café in Kettering, Ohio. Cost will be $10 per person and includes dinner and soft drinks.
Our program will be “How to successfully promote your dog on a budget” by Kathy Musto of Safari Kennels.
2318 East Dorothy Lane
Kettering, Ohio 45420
(937) 723-6833


*** Reservations ***
Jeff Leonard @

Join Dayton Kennel Club


Why should you join? The Dayton Kennel Club is open to anyone with an interest in dogs.

We promote the continuing improvement of purebred dogs, protecting the interests of dog owners and dog fanciers. We encourage owning, training and exhibiting purebred dogs. DKC hosts many dog events (shows/matches, trials, classes, public education, etc.). You do not need to currently own a purebred dog to join DKC, just be interested in them. Joining a kennel club before making your first show/competition dog purchase is an excellent way to make contacts with responsible breeders.

The bottom line? You'll interact, learn and have fun with people who love dogs - just like you.

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